We released an EP! (and other news)
We finished our new EP! Well…technically, we finished it back in April. We hope to play a CD release show once the global pandemic is under control. In the meantime, Tomorrow’s Free is available to purchase and/or stream on almost all the major online music services including Amazon, Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and most other places where you find music online. This EP was a labor of love that took us the better part of 2 years to complete, and we are proud of the result. We hope to put out a video for one of the tracks, and we’ve been promoting Bandwagon on social media as the first ‘single’. The five tracks on Tomorrow’s Free touch on several musical genres, so be sure to give it a listen (and share it on social media).
In other news, Nick has moved on from the band and we wish him well. In a wonderful twist of fate, a founding member Fabrizio has returned to play drums full time! We couldn’t be happier to have him back. We played a 3-hour show in DC with Fab on drums back in late February before things shut down, and we’ve just begun to practice (outdoors) and work on new material (independently and/or outdoors) to get ready to rock when it’s safe enough to get into the rhythm of playing regular shows again. Fingers crossed that we don’t lose too many venues in the meantime, and be sure to follow our Facebook page for our most frequent news and updates.