Upcoming show: July 18th at Acre 121

We will be playing a 45-minute set at Acre 121 on Wednesday July 18.  The venue is right next to the Columbia Heights Metro Station.  The stakes are high: multiple bands will play, and the audience will get to vote for their favorite band at the end of the night.  The winner will get paid -- and, more importantly, the winning band will be offered a weekend show at Acre 121. We go on at 9 p.m., so please come out on the 18 and show the Cycle some love!

UPDATE: Thanks to everyone for coming out to see us at Acre 121. Thanks to your support, WE WON THE BAND SHOWCASE!!!

We have been invited back for a weekend show TBD.

Thanks also to all of the great acts that played with us: Elena and Los Fulanos, Nobody’s Business, and The Justin Fung Band.

Also thanks to Acre 121 for hosting us and having delicious BBQ.